Thought(Kore):A fallen tree. A car wreck. A freak hailstorm. And a dying child. Locked in a cargo container in the desert dudael.
Grant: Kore, can you hear me?
Telepathy(Kore): Take him, telepath.
Telepathy(Xander): Why? You were having such fun.
Kore: Take him.
Grant: Pick him up Alan, you're coming with me.
Lyrken: It could paralyze him.
Grant: It won't. Trust me.
Grant: Hurry.
Kore: Allyson, I was once that child. I don't think he knew that.
Allyson Hipsher: Kore are you all right?
Kore: Allyson, please lock me up. Somewhere secure and plain and dark where I can think. Get me away from these people. Lock me up before I kill someone else.
Thought(Grant): What are the odds that I can get the aristocrat out of his motorcycle magazines long enough to heal a street urchin?
Thought(Grant): What are you doing to the girl, Eugene? Wanna show her how ugly you can be?
Thought(Grant):'s just a good day to die.