Chateau Grief 101

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Chateau Grief 101

Kore: Hey, hey, it's ok. You've been here longer than me. And you've survived it so far. It'll be fine, you're fine.

Di: You saw that, did you? Obviously you've been here long enough to know when he does it to you. Has he entered your mind without your consent yet?

Kore: I don't know.

Di: Well it's not something you'd forget. I've never faced anything like these last four months incarceration...not in my entire life.

Kore: Quite the meteoric political career. Congrats.

Di: Don't kid yourself. No one else wanted the job.

Di: The previous Prime Minister Mr. Nakamura...he was too stupid to do anything but march around his office.

Di: Pick up his letters. Close his drapes. Never read any of the bills or understood the politics. Yeah, real stupid guy. I started as a clerk!

Di: And every day he was there...not in person...he never went to our sessions.

Di: I figured that I was overreacting. Letting my imagination run wild. I never saw him once before today.

Di: But you get to know that cold slither in your head. I guess I'm just overly sensitive.

Kore: No idea. I've only been here two days.

Kore: I thought that he just picked up thoughts that were on the surface of minds.

Di: Not a distinction I'd be willing to stake myself as an expert on.

Kore: I also heard that he can't really help it.

Di: Look, who's telling you this? Who have you been talking to?

Kore: My overseer. Take a chill pill. You'll need it in the afterlife.

Di: What is this, Hindi?

Kore: I was thinking glaucoma.

Di: And why are Xander's apartments...marked with a big X and 'Girls keep out'?

Kore: If it was you, would you have asked?

Author Notes:

I finally got the website up and running!  It's at and I think the mobile version makes all the colors and things look super super good!  I'm sure it's buggy, and if I've forgotten stuff or it doesn't work, I'd really appreciate it if you sent me a note telling me so I can fix it.  So lookee here, I've made a stamp to link to the new website: Now if I can only get the link to work...rats. Stupid locked down description box.  Can we make adding CSS and HTML to this a premium feature?  plz???