Narration(Kore): This immense silent palace has a life of it's own. I feel it mess with the guard's head.
Phil the Guard: I can't find the list.
Narration(Kore): The pressure becomes unbearable.
Phil the Guard: I don't know which paper. I know that list must be...somewhere
Kore: Let me.
Xander: After Phil loses his family his world blurs into this haze. He forgets how to read. The only thing that will ever matter to him now, is the day she said goodbye...long ago.
Phil the Guard: He's here...I feel...I can't.
Kore: Let me in.
Phil the Guard: You can't just wander the palace, you'll have to wait for him.
Kore: That will be acceptable.
Narration(Kore): More checkpoints. No one knows what to do with me.
Narration(Kore): The guards live on the crustaceans guarding the grotto of an eel
Narration(Kore): they scurry about on the brink, without the temerity to enter further.
Narration(Kore): Inside... only the house servants, and the telepath.
Narration(Kore): and the old general who speaks to them as an oracle...delivering the will of god from the dangerous vapors...that crevasse of mentholated psychic power.
Narration(Kore): The guards are timid. I tell them that I'll stay out of trouble. They leave me with a sigh of relief,
Narration(Kore): to search for my minotaur.
Narration(Kore): And I'll watch the sun set. Perhaps for the last time.