Kore: Left after the esplanade...
Kore: Ugh, Grant...esplanade?
Narration(Kore): Grant even helpfully spent all afternoon numbering the rooms so I'd know where to go.
Narration(Kore): In pencil. At eye-level for a seven foot tall freak of nature.
Kore: Ain't that lost.
Narration(Kore): What am I doing?
Narration(Kore): Both of us. Bound together...
Narration(Kore): Two hundred meters to the southwest...a solitary burning star.
Narration(Kore): I know exactly where he is. Exactly what he's feeling. Why does he shake like this? What does he have to be afraid of?
Di: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet! Habeas corpus! Mens rea! Stare Decisis!