Xander: Dear Evil Overlord...there is an unconscionable amount of pigeon poop...on the carousel in Lethe Park. Enclosed pictures.
Xander: Eh. Looks fine to me.
Xander: Dear Evil Overlord, my brother painted a rude image on the wall of the Trapeze Guild. Thought You probably already know, I wanted...
Kore: Dear Evil Overlord...
Xander: what?
Xander: I mean, uh... you surprised...speak up you don't have to be afraid...
Kore: There's a man in the kitchen. General Grant took me to see him earlier today.
Xander: What!
Kore: Oh don't be angry with Grant!
Kore: I remembered him, he's a security guard with my company.
Xander: Well you've got to understand. Rhelan's got a serious axe to grind over that boy.
Kore: Why is he in there?
Xander: What do you mean, why? I can keep him anywhere I want.