Marozi: I've got to get...
Marozi: How will they?...
Narration(Marozi): She's out cold. And if that's not her healing herself, I don't want to know...
Narration(Marozi): I can't exactly walk in with her after the response to my ideas... Esme would eat her alive...which means: 'want to kill her before she wakes up.'
Narration(Marozi): Farook...maybe I can get inside without attracting attention.
Allyson: Oh yes, I had a lovely time!
Allyson: Sigh...
Marozi: Shh!!! Allyson, Allysin, I need you! You're a witch right?
Allyson: I am not a witch! How dare you!
Allyson: What have you rolled in?
Marozi: Just come with me and remember your hypocritical oath.
Allyson: Hippocratic!