Narration (Kore): The truth is... I hadn't been expecting to spring a hunk with a head injury from the local scaryman. least not that one.
Narration (Kore): Who would have thought I'd ever see Thanos... destroyed.
Narration (Kore): Without words. Shaking. Dumb.
Kore: No! Why?
Kore: Why indeed?
Narration (Kore): I could have held off sending Allyson's would have been wiser...but I can't handle this...alone...
Di: I don't want this to come out wrong...but I know the feel of's the same feel I get around him... and he's... youboth...seem so...hurt.
Narration (Kore): Even Di can see right through me, damn her!
Di: Got another one fo those anywhere?
Di: I won't try to appeal to anything but your basest instincts...
Di: But if you don't hold Eugene Xander's nose to his crimes and whallop him, who will?
Kore: I never get a choice about these things, do I? And we're calling him by his given name Vespasian, because it throws him off, got it?