Chateau Grief 201

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Chateau Grief 201

Xander: skateboards. ...totally free!

Host: And uh... Ms. Smaragdos?

Kore: Spaceships are the future. But the expensive ones. Like, silver...not the cheap aluminum ones. Really expensive ones. 100% organic.

Grant: I thought the red ones were called rubies.

Barazza: The lady took it to be set. She was happy to give us the details of the acquisition of the stone...

Barazza: ...after being put to the question

Barazza: Said a young fellow named Marozi gave it to her in exchange for medical services rendered.

Grant: Marozi, I know him. He's one of our overseers. Reliable chap. They don't make overseer without excellent character references.

Barazza: Is that all you know, Jack?

Grant: No, no, come to think of it. I remember several other things.

Grant: Isaac Newton wrote the Principia Mathematica...Anne Boelyn had six fingers on each hand...and Leopoldville is the capital of the Belgian Congo. ...That's all I can remember though. Take it or leave it.

Grant: Am I really getting this old?

Author Notes:

totally free!

Characters: Xander, Kore, reporter who is doing great job not to panic, Grant, Mike, Everyone