Crowd: Kill Kore Smaragdos! No tolerance for enablers!
Gentleman: Kill Kore Smaragdos!
Narration(Kore): What happened during the Eynhallow hysteria? Scholars will ask, safe in their libraries many years later.
Narration(Kore): And then blame the killings on a vitamin deficiency brought on by eating mutton for forty years.
Gentleman: Kill Kore Smaragdos!
Gentleman: Oh sorry.
Gentleman: Here, uh, you can have this. & my lighter.
Kore: Look me in the eyes.
Gentleman: I can’t sorry.
Narration(Kore): Maybe he missed seeing that ill-thought-out debate.
Narration(Kore): But some part of me has a sinking feeling…
Narration(Kore): that some part of him didn’t want to recognize me. And so he willfully became blind.