Narration(Xander): Why?
Narration(Xander): Because I’m the responsible one. Easy.
Narration(Xander): The… responsible…guy who takes the fall…
Narration(Xander): The bad guy when one needs to go down.
Narration(Xander): A gentleman. But not a gentle man.
Shane: Don’t hesitate. Remember, I’ve got you if you fail.
Shane: Actually I lied. Fail and you would totally have broken your neck.
Kore: Thanos I’m gonna get you for that!
Kore: Patch. I’m putting an end to my demons.
Shane: Damn, you inspire me. I should too.
Kore: no you inspire me. Gotta run. See you Wednesday.
Narration(Xander): Why does he yet find fault?