Chateau Grief 306

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Chateau Grief 306

Grant: Do what?

Kore: You know what.

Grant: Didn’t Eugene tell you I’ve been practicing telepathy for years?

Kore: Is that what it’s called? And I’m referring to the mental picture you used to facilitate it. I think I’ve been scarred for life. My tender young eyes.

Grant: Serves you right.

Grant (telepathy): Plus you smell like a wet dog. And you’re going to ruin my upholstery.

Kore(telepathy): Sorry.

Grant: Where too?

Kore: We take Di home. Make sure she’ll be ok.

Kore: I wish I had a home to go to.

Grant: You’ve got one, Kore, my house is at your disposal. Don’t think you’ll want to meet Eugene again anytime soon.

Kore: No, I certainly don’t.

Grant: So much glass! Gonna pop a tire. Did they have to break all the windows?

Kore: What do you eat, Rhelan? I’ll wager you wouldn’t say not to a home-cooked meal.

Grant: I’ll let you take your best guess. And by that I mean, I’d like a road exactly how my mother used to make it.

Kore: Deal. See? This isn’t so bad.

Author Notes:

Considering what the palace smells like right now given Xander's cooking skillz...

Characters: Kore, Grant, Di

Episode Recap: 

Grant has just sashayed through the last scene with superpowers and Kore now wants an explanation. Grant explains that he has achieved his transcendence of the human condition via repeated effort and application of his will. Remember the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Yeah my piano teacher was unimpressed with my arguments. Kore comments that Grants methods are slightly…unorthodox compared to Xander’s less disturbing mind. Grant careth not. He tells Kore to not mess up the car, which I appreciate considering what just happened to the hat. Kore apologizes, sets the plan for how to deal with Di and then trades Grant a meal for a roof. There’s some negotiation of what exactly this will entail, but Grant is certainly willing to give things a shot. So Kore’s out of the palace and dinner plans are set for Grant. So that I guess leaves Xander alone at his little bbq….