Chateau Grief 305

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Chateau Grief 305

Grant: I can’t tell either of you what to do. You’re making me emotional. I can’t watch a woman cry…Ms. Beelzebubba no offense, but…

Grant: Can’t you just…suck it up?!!

Di: Fine. Hahaha Take the pain away.

Di: Just leave me my scar. It’s too funny anyways. I run off to an island and become a satanist and the first body modification I get is a cross over my heart!

Di: You can’t run away from it, can you…

Kore (telepathy): She’s in a post-stress physical crash. We should get her some place warm.

Kore (telepathy): You’d feel the same if you were nearly burned to death at the stake.

Grant (telepathy): I suppose it must feel like being ravaged by a mob and half drowned.

Kore: That’s just weird. How do you do that?

Author Notes:

I’ll give you three --no…two-- guesses.

Characters: Kore, Grant, Di

Episode Recap: 

Grant isn’t into girl time, so he continues being awful to his hat.  He requests less blubbering in the most level tone he can manage.  Di swaps from crying to laughing, always an encouraging sign, and finally allows Kore to help her out with the brand.  Ouchie. Di then recounts that it’s a sort of predictably cosmic sense of cruel humor that she can’t outrun her issues with her religious upbringing, even by running away from her entire life, which at the time she assumed was going to help.  But she’s going to go with the new developments like it’s some kind of ironic tattoo.  Some people do, I guess.  Kore is less concerned with Di’s musings than with dealing with the medical aspects of leveling Di out again.  Grant then drops into the convo like an old pro.  How do you do, fellow kids. Kore teleports everyone back to the car, and then asks Grant what has got to be the most obviously ‘asked and answered’ question so far.  Hope you enjoy the visual too, I didn’t even plan that.