Chateau Grief 477

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Chateau Grief 477

Grant: Eugene, we’re the good guys! Look at the palace! The judicial wing! We’vegot the finest courtroom on the west coast I dare say.

Grant: I mean to say—we’ve never had an unsolved crime! Whenever something happens, well, who could give anyone fairer trial than you? There’s never been any doubt we’ve arrested the wrong guy!

Grant: The laws are clear and just, applied fairly and without prejudice…

Xander: All of the sudden you’re happy to take my word for it?

Xander I thought you were angry I was being too literal, that it wasn’t really fair to arrest everyone for every crime they committed. Have you forgotten that once, in all seriousness, you urged me not to punish some people because in real life, sometimes criminals aren’t brought to justice?

Grant: I don’t know what I said. I don’t remember, ok? The point is, you don’t make a mistake.

Xander: Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay!

Xander: You shouldn’t try to play God, Eugene! Judge not lest you be judged!

Xander: And you never ever believed me when I told you that everyone deserved to ie, that I was being lenient—

Xander: —that if you had the slightest idea of what went on in people’s heads you’d be the first man calling for blood!

Xander: You have no idea what I overlook on a daily basis, the number of criminally dangerous people who wander the streets on a hair-trigger, waiting to explode into violence against some victim. And my only consolation is their victims all have it coming, one way or another.

Grant: There are good people out there, Eugene. You of all people should know that.

Narration (Xander): He’s entirely forgotten that he himself had plotted to assassinate Kore this very afternoon. Or rather has convinced himself that it was ok, because the ploy could never work. And the the real goal of the exercise was to bring my wrath down on the Resistance. Then the assassinated target would only be dull little Esmerelda Jones, who Grant found personally irritating, and thus not rising to the level of murdering a human being.

Narration(Xander): Especially since she was now guilty of attempting to carry out the scheme he concocted.

Narration(Xander): He truly feels that Esme deserves death for attempting to murder kore, and doesn’t she?

Xander: And you have the gall to tell me I should be able to see the fundamental good in people.

Author Notes:

Grant you're on some thin thin ice, buddy.