Xander: I'm not going too fast for you?
Kore: You know if you take too many of those pills, you go blind.
Xander: You step back, then sway...
Xander: Then you lean in close and dance cheek-to-cheek.
Kore: You didn't think I escaped high society without learning how to dance, did you?
Kore: And you're a lot more solid under this jacket than I had hoped. How am I supposed to knock you out with a brick in my handbag now? Why can't you be frail and wobbly like the other geriatrics?
Xander: I-I-I'm not used to this.
Kore: Oh very well. Waltz position then, if you lose courage so quickly.
Kore: So dance.
Xander: So that's what they did.
Xander: You can't feel pain. You can't feel...anything.