Narration(Xander): I nearly fell for it.
Narration(Xander): Her mind is under the tightest rein imaginable. Devoid of emotion. Stripping away my guard...and then the pounce.
Narration(Xander): It frightens close I came to giving in. The tenderness is an act too...yes...down another layer and there' much...fury...
Xander: Even now the word pops into your head and you can't stop it *greek* what does it mean?
Kore: Skandalon. The trigger of a trap. Shane is the end of your journey, Xander. He's the point which you don't go on from. You never recover.
Kore: Because God help me, I will be there to stop you.
Xander: I'm sixty-three, that's not so much older than you.
Narration(Xander): Her body goes rigid.