Xander: Heat, fuel, and oxygen. If you need a reminder. The fuel is there…I’ll concentrate the oxygen…
Xander: Build the heat and it will flash over. Just...burn. For her.
Xander: You can’t even understand my speech let alone focus on molecules pressure, gravity electricity. It was intuitive for her. That’s what telepathy is Thanos. Intuition. Listening. Understanding. That’s why you’re not me.
Xander: I took a desperate chance to save your life. But it didn’t work. If only I could take away the seizures without killing you, then there’d be…time.
Xander: See?
Xander: You tell yourself that you burn but it’s been years now. And you’ve never been strong enough.
Xander: You’re not ever going to be.
Xander: There’s a scratchy feeling developing in a thousand throats. Not us, but do you notice? Horrible acrid smells.
Xander: It’s starting to overwhelm… everyone
Xander: She’d give her life for you in a heartbeat. And that’s just not…fair. You never even knew her.