Xander: The honorable Diaboloniana P. Beelzebubba, palms read and futures told, advice.
Xander: That’s good, I need advice.
Kore: Do you want to claw your way through the wood? I thought you had claws!
Xander: Just make her get up and answer. Goodness, just unlock the door! She’ll thank you later! Why do I suddenly need claws?
Kore (thought): No idea when he’s being teased. Like he’d never experienced it before, which is logical.
Kore (thought): Who would dare? Rhelan Grant? Some reptile politician only interested in Xander remaining relatively cooperative with the US Government?
Xander: My father dared, but that was a long time ago.
Xander: We’ve got too regroup. Eynhallow will be expecting some kind of statement from the Prime Minister about the riot.
Di: Whose side are you on!
Di: I’ll really be lynched if people see both of you standing there banging on my door.
Xander: No one recognizes me. I walked around all day yesterday and no one breathed a word.
Di: And don’t you dare judge me for eating dessert in the morning. I haven’t felt right since that state dinner trick you played on me.