Grant: Stop it, Kore.
Grant: I talked to him.
Grant: He’s irritating…delusional…but not beyond reasoning with. I don’t think ye’ll stop you now.
Grant: How was Shane?
Kore: Do you know what Shane did two nights ago?
Grant: Guido and I buried the bodies. What does that have to do with anything. Eugene said he was better.
Kore: I don’t think I could fight Shane for another night. I don’t know how I kept the palace from collapsing on us all.
Kore: Ves can fight him. Ves is stronger than I am. I make Ves stronger. I can’t begin to understand how much.
Kore: Curiously convenient, isn’t it?
Grant: I wish you wouldn’t call him that. It’s what he wants.
Grant: By jumped-up Harry, that name should only be spoken with solemn dread.
Grant: You can invoke him like a demon if you’re not careful.
Grant: He’ll listen to your prayers and then come and dragoon you into living by your vows.